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Advice & Tips

1.  Pick the right location

Your plants need lots of sunshine! Most vegetables require at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. Some crops, such as spinach or lettuce can grow well in partially sunny areas, but sun-loving plants need as much light as possible!


2. Make sure your soil is high-quality

Soil provides your plant nutrients, stability, and drainage. The best garden will grow in well-drained, sandy loam mixed with as much organic matter as possible. Compost, leaf mold, or well-aged manure increases soil's ability to both drain well and hold moisture.


3. Choose plants that will grow well in your Plant Hardiness Zone

Determining your Plant Hardiness Zone will let you know which plants will survive and thrive in your region. You can find an interactive map to assess your zone here!


4. Don't plant all at once

Maximize your garden's productivity by staggering plants of fast-maturing veggies such as beans or lettuce and replanting other areas as they are harvested. Additionally, view the Almanac Planting Calendar to determine the length of your region's growing area.


4. Research, research, research

All gardeners should be learning both before and during the gardening process. Some of our favorite gardening sites include The Old Farmer's Almanac, Garden Design, and Gardener's World. Linked below are our recommended gardening video guides!

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